
ICM Geelong Apprentice Awards 2018

Independent Cabinetmakers is proud to introduce an award for Cabinetmaking, Joinery & Carpentry apprentices in the Geelong region.

It was an honour to present the inaugural awards to a group of enthusiastic and passionate young apprentices, who were very appreciative of their achievements being recognised.

Invited to the awards night on 23rd November at Dennhy’s Kitchen, Geelong, the apprentices attended with their employers and families.

Congratulations to up and coming Cabinetmakers.

The WINNERS of the 2018 ICM Geelong Apprentice Awards are:

Award 1 – ICM Geelong Encouragement Award Claire O’Callaghan from Tenon Joinery

Award 2 – ICM Geelong Best 1st Year Ebonie Innes from Vic group training host Virgona Home Improvements

Award 3 – ICM Geelong Best 2nd Year Jack Bratt from G Force host Breakwater Kitchens

Award 4 ICM Geelong Best 3rd Year Cameron Allen from Allan cabinetry

Award 5 – ICM Geelong Student of the Year Tom Neave from Spence Constructions


Thanks to Thingy Magigy Tools for helping out with prizes and Wathaurong Glass & Arts for donating the trophies.



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