
ICM Geelong Trade Night

Over drinks and the most delicious canapes, cabinetmakers, interior designers, suppliers and others in the industry enjoyed the Independent Cabinet Makers annual Trade Night.

Held at Geelong’s E & S Trading with support from ASKO Australia, the evening kicked off with canapes prepared by the chef’s at ASKO.

The guest panel, hosted by Rob Sinclair included Rebecca Jansma, Emma Hawkins and Darren Grayson.

Interior Designer, Rebecca Jansma, Space, Grace & Style, quoted nature as being one of her greatest inspirations when it comes to design – colours, forms, balance and structure, alignment.

Rebacca also spoke about the importance of sustainability being introduced into design.

Along with sustainability, Rebecca believes we also need to see a  resurgence of the lost trades  such as upholsterers and fine furniture makers.

With advice from Darren Grayson to research and look at current fashion trends, his tip to incorporate just one or two designer pieces is a cost effective way of designing.

And then of course there was Emma’s wardrobe.

Like most women, Emma thought she wanted a big, glam walk in wardrobe. But in reality, practicality takes precedence.  Working with ICM Geelong cabinetmakers Emma now has a tailor made wardrobe in the master bedroom with her favourite features being the LED strip lighting and Tom’s belt and tie rack.

She is now a convert of custom built over pre-fab and wants to tailor all the robes in the bedrooms throughout the country home.

Thanks to everyone who came along!

Click here for more images of the ICM Geelong 2019 Trade Night. 




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