
Feng Shui Tips for the Kitchen.

Cal Stewart, The Red Bird, shares her tips on Feng Shui for the Kitchen.

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home, and the Chinese do believe the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in their homes.

Often shrouded in mystery and superstitions, Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art of understanding the Universe and its laws in order to bring happiness and success to all areas of ones life.

So why is the kitchen considered so important?

Traditionally the kitchen represents wealth and also health. It’s the area where food is kept and prepared, but it’s also where the homes occupant are fed, nourished, supported and often even educated. Think how many children do their homework while sitting at the kitchen bench, whilst at the same time learning essential life skills such as food preparation, often unknowingly.

Feng Shui’s fundamental principal is that everything is made up of energy, or Qi. Qi is the generating force behind all things. The quality of Qi of food is determined partly by the food itself, the core ingredients that go into producing a meal, but also the attitude of the cook while preparing it. There’s an old French proverb that says – “Where love sets the table, food tastes its best”.

It is therefore essential that the person who does the majority of cooking feels at home in the kitchen, and that it is built specifically for them. You could also take this further and ensure the stove faces the cook’s individual Shen Qi or ‘best direction’, in order to promote good health to all family members.

The stove should be positioned so that you can see who is coming into the room whilst cooking.

Unexpected surprises may affect the chefs state of mind and therefore the quality of food. If this is not possible, place a mirror above or even behind the stove. Personally I have a mirrored splash back which works really, really well.

Colour is a very subjective thing, and is also often determined by fashions and trends in interior design. Feng Shui principles suggest that a kitchen should be predominantly white, as it symbolises purity and hygiene. Reds should be avoided as they relate to the fire element and therefore increase the risks of fires.

A dirty, greasy stove creates health problems, and symbolically blocks the family income potential. It’s also important to regularly use each of the burners on the stove to encourage all working family members to generate income.

Avoid having the stove next to the sink or fridge as the fire and water energies will be in conflict. Its also not advisable to have your stove directly opposite the sink or dishwasher, as again these two energies conflict. A word form, such as chopping board or butchers block is an excellent way to balance these energies.

Try to avoid having a kitchen located next to or opposite wet rooms of the house such as laundry or toilet, as the Qi and odours that could could emanate from these rooms will affect the quality of food. If they are located in such positions place furniture so that you can’t see the room from the kitchen, or even a beaded curtain in the doorway will help.

Good food and a warm kitchen are what makes a house a home, and applying a few basic Feng Shui principles could also help.



Cal Stewart,  The Red Bird. For even more Feng Shui tips, you can follow The Red Bird on Instagram.



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